MX-5 på Jeremy Clarkson´s top 10

It’s a cure for depression, this car, it really is. You just can’t be in a bad mood when you’re driving it.”

Det engelske motorsports fænomen Jeremy Clarkson er af The Sunday Times blevet bedt om at liste sine top 10 biler.  Og gæt hvad der ligger øverst på listen!

De skriver godt nok at de er listet i tilfældig rækkefølge. Meeeen helt tilfældigt er det vel aldrig 😉

Læs hele artiklen fra Sunday Times her

“Gravity didn’t come from a meeting. Neither did the Spitfire. But most cars today come from meetings, and as a result they’re almost all yawn-mobiles. Not so the Mazda MX-5.

The old model has been the world’s bestselling sports car for about 25 years, thanks to its combination of low price, ease of use and a smile-a-minute factor that’s up there alongside a game of naked Twister with Scarlett Johansson and Cameron Diaz.

The new one is better than ever. Because it’s so organic and raw and simple, it feels how a sports car should. It sings and fizzes and jumps about. It always feels eager and sprightly, and that makes you feel eager and sprightly too.

It’s a cure for depression, this car, it really is. You just can’t be in a bad mood when you’re driving it.”